
Gordon Norrie

Person Chart


Father Date of Birth Mother Date of Birth
John Norrie 1751-11-14 Margaret Smith 1759-04-17


Partner Date of Birth Children
Mary Ann Good 1787-01-09
Inga Marie Craig 1793-07-08 Ann Gordon Norrie

Person Events

Event Type Date Place Description
Birth 1790-08-13 Hillside, Angus, Skottland
Death 1874-11-25 Helsingör, Danmark

Kinship Report

Name Type Place of Birth Date of Birth Place of Death Date of Death
Mary Ann Good Partner or wife Danmark 1787-01-09 Danmark 1855-10-19
Inga Marie Craig Partner or wife Göteborg, Göteborg, Göteborgs och Bohus län, Sverige 1793-07-08 Köpenhamn, Danmark 1828-09-17
Brothers & Sisters
John Norrie Brother Montrose, Angus, Skottland 1784-06-11 1864-09-27
Ann Gordon Norrie Daughter Helsingör, Danmark 1823-12-12 Nya Zeeland 1910-09-29
John Norrie Father Montrose, Angus, Skottland 1751-11-14 1832-06-15
Margaret Smith Mother Montrose, Angus, Skottland 1759-04-17 1832-02-05
Nephews & Nieces
Sara Margaret Norrie Niece 1813-12-28 1879-06-10
John Norrie Nephew 1814-12-26 USA
John (Johan) Alexander Norrie Nephew 1818-10-01 1860-10-24
Charles Adam Norrie Nephew 1820-04-20 1867-02-19
Maria Elisabeth (Elisa, Betsy) Norrie Niece 1824-06-18